Unit code 90690
Office hours for students Gualtiero Volpe: The lecturer is available by appointment at his office on the top floor of Villa Bonino, Viale Causa 13, 16145, Genoa, or at Casa Paganini, Piazza S. Maria in Passione 34, 16123, Genoa, or remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform. To make an appointment, send an e-mail to gualtiero.volpe@unige.it
Lesson starts: https://easyacademy.unige.it/portalestudenti/index.php?view=easycourse&_lang=it&include=corso
Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information
Modulo, vedi anche: MULTIMEDIA PROCESSING - 111368
- Docente: Gualtiero Volpe