Unit code 94802
Office hours for students Davide Comoretto: DAVIDE COMORETTO
For any other information, students are invited to directly contact the teacher by email (davide.comoretto@unige.it), telephone (0103538736/8744, +39-3358046559) or visiting him in his office/lab (https://chimica.unige.it/rubrica/104) (DCCI, office n. 803, lab, room 124).
For any other information, students are invited to directly contact teachers by email (davide.comoretto@unige.it, alberto.servida@unige.it, marco.vocciante@unige.it, davide.peddis@unige.it, andrea.reverberi@unige.it, Antonio.comite@unige.it) or visiting them in their offices/labs.
Lesson starts: The class schedule is available at https://easyacademy.unige.it/portalestudenti/ .
Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information
- Docente: Davide Comoretto