Corso di studio in lingua inglese

Codice corso 11267, sede GENOVA

Informazioni complete sul corso

Course code 11267, location GENOVA

Course overview

Unit code 106842

Office hours for students Elena Lagomarsino:  

Office hours, by appointment via email, are held:

  • After lectures
  • Online via Teams by appointment

Lesson starts: Frontal lectures take place in presence during the autumn  term in Genoa. See AulaWeb for details on the course schedule.

Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information

Unit code 106846

Office hours for students Eugenia Macchiavello: A meeting (in presence or through Teams) with the teacher can be agreed writing an e-mail to

Anyway, Prof. Macchiavello is generally available:

- in La Spezia, right before the start of classes on Thursdays

- In Genoa, at the Department of law - business and economic law section, via Balbi 22, second floor, stair on the left on Mondays and Tuesdays and at the Department of economics, second floor, room 8, Via Vivaldi right before/after classes




Lesson starts: September 2024

Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information

Unit code 106844

Office hours for students Marcello Montefiori: By appointment via email

Office hours for students Lucia Leporatti: By appointment via email

Lesson starts: September 2024

Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information

Codice insegnamento 106836

Ricevimento Maria Laura Torrente: Verrà comunicato all'inizio del semestre

Inizio lezioni: Settembre 2024

Corsi di laurea, sedi, programma, obiettivi, modalità d'esame e altre informazioni


Unit code 106838

Office hours for students Carmine Cerrone: To request a meeting with the professor, you can send an email expressing your preference for an in-person meeting or a meeting via Teams.

Lesson starts: First Semester

Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information

Unit code 106843

Office hours for students Barbara Cavalletti: Tuesday 14-16 (Office n.19, 1st flor, Department of Economics - Darsena)

Any changes due to possible health emergency restrictions will be promptly communicated by the teacher through the Aulaweb platform.

Office hours for students MATTEO CORSI: Office hours are Mondays, 4:30 to 6 p.m., by appointment, remotely or at the lecturer's office at the DIpartimento di Economia (Via Vivaldi 5, Genoa)

Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information

Unit code 106839

Office hours for students Pier Giuseppe Giribone: Upon request, by email, I will always be available to make an appointment.

Lesson starts: The course begins in accordance with the teaching calendar of the first semester.

Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information