Corso di studio in lingua inglese

Codice corso 9268, sede LA SPEZIA

Informazioni complete sul corso

Course code 9268, location LA SPEZIA

Course overview

Unit code 66176

Office hours for students Stefano Vignolo: On Thursday from 14,30 to 16,30, in the teacher's office (Genoa, Via all'Opera Pia 15).

Lesson starts: https://corsi.unige.it/9268/p/studenti-orario

Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information

Unit code 66174

Office hours for students Diego Villa: By appointment:

email: diego.villa@unige.it

phone: 010 335 2345

Office hours for students STEFANO GAGGERO: by appointment:

email: stefano.gaggero@unige.it

phone: 010 353 2389

Lesson starts: https://corsi.unige.it/9268/p/studenti-orario

Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information

Unit code 111917

Office hours for students STEFANO SETTI: Write to: stefano.setti@economia.unige.it. It is suggested to check the course page on the AulaWeb e-learning portal for updates and communications.

Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information

Unit code 66288

Office hours for students Michele Martelli: It is mandatory to book a time slot, through the service offered by Aula Web, on the course page you will find dates and times.

Lesson starts: https://corsi.unige.it/9268/p/studenti-orario

Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information

Modulo, vedi anche: SHIP STRUCTURES AND PLANTS - 84601

Unit code 66399

Office hours for students Diego Villa: By appointment:

email: diego.villa@unige.it

phone: 010 335 2345

Office hours for students GIULIANO VERNENGO: On request, by sending an email to the professor (giuliano.vernengo@unige.it).

Lesson starts: https://corsi.unige.it/9268/p/studenti-orario

Course description, location, aims and contents, exam description and further information

Modulo, vedi anche: YACHT STABILITY AND DYNAMICS - 66398